Attend BeaverCon 2024 virtually, stream the presentations by leading Beaver Experts! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THEIR CHANNEL!
The time to act is now — join our organization and help us make change.
Join the collective of passionate individuals dedicated to the protection and preservation of the White River.
The next meeting of the alliance will be on January 24th, 2024, 5:30pm, Chippers Bar/Buffalo Room
We rely on donations from citizens like you to protect the White River.
Not quite ready to join our organization? Consider donating using the button below or contacting us about volunteer opportunities. We need all hands on deck!
The White River serves the communities of Rio Blanco County and feeds into the Green River in Uintah County, Utah.
We’re not just concerned about the river’s health — we monitor watershed snowpack, algal blooms in the river, and are consistently working toward implementing new projects.