From WRA President

President’s Letter

Dear Rio Blanco Editor:
Over the past several years, the White River has drawn a great deal of attention and concern from folks along our valley. Landowners, residents and even seasonal visitors to the area have noticed increased development and other activities along the river, and more recently, algae blooms. The algae blooms have prompted a vigorous response by locals and government agencies to find out their cause and what we can do to promote and maintain a healthy river.
The White River Alliance is a product of this attention. Our members are folks that care about the river and think we can do something, now, to promote a healthy river through improved stewardship and better awareness of how our activities are so significant to the river. We are a non-partisan, proactive organization simply wanting to share information and bring people who truly care about our river together.
As land owners along the river, we’ve greatly benefited from being involved and we continue to develop a better understanding of our role as stewards of the land and resources along the river. We are now taking a closer look at how our own trout ponds, cattle grazing, use of pesticides and herbicides, and other activities could have an effect on the river and what adjustments we can make to help.
As a result, I personally have a new outlook on what we can do to improve our own stewardship practices. Join our organization to connect with others who share the same concern and regard for a healthy White River and you’ll be helping, too. We know the landowners along the river, and everyone else that cares about our river, wants to support and maintain a world class fishery, our healthy resources, agriculture and the beautiful valley that the White River provides.
Water is becoming ever more important and it is, of course, a resource vital to our survival. You don’t have to be a riverfront landowner to be a stakeholder in the White River, it’s everyone’s river! So please support and take a closer look at the folks around here that are striving to promote a secure and healthy watershed for all of us. My experience as a member of our local Yellow Jacket Water Conservancy District shows more than ever that our community desperately needs to support a secure water future that goes hand in hand with a healthy river.
Please consider supporting our effort by becoming a member and getting involved. We’re a registered Colorado non-profit organization having about 20 members paid-up members already. Dues, set at $25 per person or $30 per couple, can be sent to our treasurer, Lois Williams, P.O. Box 183, Meeker 81641-0183.
Please drop us a line if we can help connect you with contacts and good sources of information about the White River. Thank you for your interest.
Shawn Welder
Upriver Landowner and Outfitter
President, White River Alliance and Board Member, Yellow Jacket Water Conservancy District

White River Alliance