2020 January Minutes
White River Alliance January 15 2020 Minutes
Attending: President Shawn Welder, VP John Wix, Treasurer, Lois Williams, Acting Secretary Deirdre Macnab, John Taylor, Bev Prosence, Linda Stewart, Annie Long, Dr. Bob Dorsett, Kathleen Kelley, Robyn Kelley Blackwood, Luke Trout, Tony Weiss, Jocelyn Mullen
At 5:10pm President Welder called meeting to order.
Presidents Report:
This is our second year of operation. Promote education and people to be knowledgeable about and involved in issues relating to a healthy White River. Just one result of our efforts is the first annual river clean up last year which potentially had an effect on having the recycling center moved away from the river. We are a 501 C-3.
Minutes approved: Tony Weiss made a motion to approve, Kathleen Kelley seconded, and Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: $25 for individual, $30 for couple, $50 for an organization, checks are welcome. $45 for Rangely chamber, $85 for Meeker Chamber: $674 remaining. Motion to approve Tony Weiss, Kathleen Kelly seconded, all approved Treasurer’s Report. Dr. Dorsett asked if there is a budget or plan in place to spend the budget. Kathleen Kelly suggested working on a plan for spending that will move our goals forward.
Old Business: Tamarisk and Russian Olive, Leafy spurge: Potential grant: Motion by Kathleen Kelley for a grant to control the expansion of exotic woody species of Russian Olive, Tamarisk to YWG Basin Roundtable…and try and pool those resources with other groups to work with RiversEdge and Western Conservation Corps Request to begin with $20,000 and work for matching grants. President Welder was requested to reach out to CPW regarding the leafy spurge. Jocelyn suggested Rangely would entertain a proposal to assist with the YWG grant. Luke Trout Seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
River Trash, Big Beaver Spawning, letters will be sent by President Welder who will also ask CPW if they can provide and service trash containers. If they cannot, we can discuss whether this is something we want WRA to offer to do.
Group agreed that we would do a river clean up again in 2020. Managed by Shawn Welder and Lois Williams, we targeted a mid April clean up, with a possible additional clean up in the fall.
Mosquito Control: Motion made by Deirdre for Kathleen Kelley and Dr. Dorsett to manage the process of a collaborative discussion at the next meeting to develop an action plan to encourage Rio Blanco County and towns to move toward a proactive management of mosquitos and move away from spraying chemicals directly on our water ways. Seconded by Lois Williams, passed unanimously.
Dr Dorsett presented data he has collected that represents 70 years on the White River showing an 11 F increase up in the Trappers Lake area from SNOWTEL data for January temperature. He also noted lower flows from the headwater and 4 million gallons per day less over the past 70 years, which is roughly the monthly water requirement for town of Meeker.
Board Positions to be voted on next meeting: Proposed slate (but others may come forward): President Welder, Vice President John Wix, Lois Williams Treasurer, Deirdre Macnab, Secretary, For Board At Large: Chris Harris, Brett Dearman, Luke Trout. Other positions to include: Jocelyn Mullen (Rangely Representative), Dr. Bob Dorsett (Science Advisor to the Board), and additional board prospects include Vance Herring (Steamboat supporter), Ian Wilson, (the new rep from Trout Unlimited). Board will work to recruit a regular representative from CPW.
Motion to Adjourn by Lois Williams, accepted by group.
Next meeting: February 26, 2020 5pm, White River Museum