2020 July Minutes

WHITE RIVER ALLIANCE Minutes July 15, 2020

Shawn Welder, John Wix Brett Dearman, Lois Williams, Deirdre Macnab, , Kathleen Kelley, Robyn Blackwood, Martha Cole, Vance Herring, John Leary (ZOOM)

  1. Meeting called to order at 6:05pm by President Welder

  • . Introductions. 

  • Minutes Approved from February Meeting  Brett/Lois Motion/ approved, correction to amount reported by Lois: correct amount should read for February balance of: $1,123.59

  • Treasurers Report: Lois Williams reported current balance of: $957.59. Brett volunteered to assist with spreadsheet creation. Treasurer’s report approved, Brett/John motion

  • All IRS reports have been submitted. WRA paid for square space and debit card,

  • Some membership dues still outstanding, paid memberships for 2020 per Lois Williams, Treasurer, below:

  • Linda and Gary Stewart and family

  • John Wix

  • M/R White River Ranch/ Chris Harris

  • John & Mary Taylor

  • Tony & Dee Weiss

  • Lois Williams

  • Findlay Trailer Court/ Bev & Annie

  • 4-M Ranch/ Deirdre + donation

  • Dr Dorsett

  • Chuck Whiteman & Associates + donation

  • Shawn Welder

  • Vance Herring + donation

  1. Old Business

    • Tamarisk/Russian olive: White River Partnership Update:  John Leary from RiversEdge gave a report on the White River Partnership effort. Hopes to have a MOU and partnership and plan completed by December 2020/possible implementation by Spring 2021. Several questions and concern about timing, and process to reduce/eliminate. Shawn made a motion to explore a test day of action for eliminating Russian olive in the Meeker area. Second by John Wix: Approved. Shawn will write a letter or article inviting some Meeker area landowners to request our help on day of Russian Invasion Clean UP. 

    • River Update: Welder reported from Dr. Dorsett’s findings…warming is creating run off happening sooner despite favorable 125% of normal snowpack. River peaked June 3rd. May require Lake Avery release per Bailey Franklin. State is looking for older water rights to protect water augmentation. Expanding Lake Avery is a great solution for this. 

  • Dr Dorsett’s RiverWatch Report for the White River in his absence: The White peaked on June 2 at just about median flow for the date, after bumping along at about median for the previous month.  After the peak, flow dropped precipitously and has been well below 25th percentile for the past month.  There's algae on the rocks in Meeker Town Park covering about 3/4 of the transect across the river.  Of course, Town slathered permethrin along the river for the 4th with more spray runs than usual over three days.  

  • Note that Hayden recently hired Vector Control International to implement an integrated pest management plan.  VCI serves Glenwood and parts of Mesa County also.  We've been trying to get our Towns and County to hire them.  Present 'mosquito control' efforts are wasteful, ineffective, and cause a lot of harm (but I don't have to remind anybody in this thread . . .  )  Maybe we could get the Hayden people to talk with our County people.  

    • Pesticide use: Mosquito spray on going. Dr. Dorsett has done research. Board discussion. Motion by Deirdre/John Wix to hold next meeting on night of Meeker Town Council to show up and support Dr. Dorsett with our request for the town to begin the exploration and development of a more holistic and healthy/effective approach to mosquito issue. Share details from other counties including Hayden, CO. Motion approved. Meanwhile John Wix volunteered to reach out to landowners. (Reminder Brett Dearman volunteered to chair this committee in February) …Pesticides and Human Health Committee. 

    • Signage and Sanitation Committee: Chris Harris Chair, Shawn gave a report in his absence: Signage is up, but trash issue still unresolved. Rest areas full of trash. Another issue is water drainage set up from Lake Avery is sub standard, leaving dead fish during dry season. Solution pending.

    • White River Integrated Management Plan: Deirdre reported that the Planning Advisory Committee has completed its goal of recommending moving forward and identifying mission and goals. At last meeting group voted on proceeding with an abandoned water rights grant. Deirdre will request copy of mission and goals to distribute. Kathleen K suggested that our group should review and if necessary provide alternate suggestions.

    • Storage: John Wix asked about plan to expand Lake Avery, Shawn said that it is supported by the YellowJacket Conservancy and would only involve expansion on property owned by CPW. Shawn discussed Drought Contingency, which involves giving up voluntary, compensated, and temporary as a way to keep water in the rivers, and is being discussed by Roundtables.

C) New business

  • Lois suggested sending out invites earlier to entire list to broaden attendance. Invite board and membership from the beginning. Board agreed.

  • Deirdre introduced idea of WRA supporting Beautification projects, tree planting, simple playgrounds, etc., and exploring getting grants for dredging of Rio Blanco Reservoir and Kenney: group felt we had too much on our plate but to keep that in the pipeline. 

  • Meeting in August around a Meeker Town Meeting will be organized.

  • No Public Comment

  • Adjourn/Motion Kathleen/Brett

Minutes submitted by Deirdre Macnab, Secretary

White River Alliance