2019 October Minutes
White River Alliance Minutes October 2, 2019 Meeting
1. President Shawn Welder called the meeting to order at 5:15pm at the Rio Blanco White River Museum Community Room. Attending: Welder, Wix, Williams, Harris, Macnab
2. Minutes were approved: Lois Williams motion, seconded by John Wix
3. Lois Williams Treasurer’s report:
● WRA has officially joined Rangely Chamber of Commerce
● She has filed the 990 tax documents and we are official for 2020 as a 501C3 with CO Sec of State office
● We have $646.09 in our account after receiving a generous donation by Vance Herring. Thank you Vance!
4. Deirdre reported about the newly formed committee by the Douglas/White River Conservation District to assess need and interest in a basin Integrated River Management Plan...basically would be an effort by area stakeholders to assess the needs and possible solutions and projects for the White River. Only one meeting has been held. Members were asked for two contacts to be interviewed (Dr. Bob Dorsett and Shawn Welder were put forth) and questions. Deirdre will keep the group informed.
5. Riparian Restoration grant: Group discussion on the possibility of the WRA working to launch a multi partner grant to restore the riparian along the White River between Meeker and Rangely. Strong interest in this...moved to next meeting. Possible partners to include: Trout Unlimited, Nature Conservancy, and Conservation and Conservancy districts.
6. New Board Member Chris Harris elected: Proposed by Lois Williams, Seconded by John Wix, new board member Chris Harris was unanimously and enthusiastically elected. He will send his picture to Deirdre for website. His suggestions and interests included requesting CPW to add garbage cans and signage to public fishing spots (President Welder to follow up) and close off key spawning areas during critical times. Welder to work on letter to CPW.
7. Website: Several suggestions included added minutes, and recent news article about WRA member Vance Herring.
8. President Welder reported on a brief White River movie being produced for educational purposes by the Yampa White Green Roundtable as part of an outreach program.
9. Treasurer Lois Williams had two suggestions:
-Request the town of Meeker to organize a Study Committee to analyze and make recommendations about a more health friendly way to control mosquitoes that might include spraying with less toxic chemicals. -Secondly to educate the community about the risks associated with fluoride in drinking water which is coming up soon for a vote in Meeker.
10. President Welder reported on algae committee. He will contact Mindy May to update on biological issues. He also reported on progress of Lake Avery expansion. Currently the CPW is exploring the project with careful due diligence with area landowners.
11. New board member Harris recommended that the river clean up from 2019 become an annual event. There was general agreement from all present.
12. Treasurer Lois Williams suggested a river float/race/poker event in 2020 as a fundraiser. Tabled with strong support for future further discussion.
13. President Welder will work on a draft for CPW regarding trash cans and signage along river.
14. Agreement about inviting representatives from CPW, Forest Service and BLM to future meetings.
15. The next meeting is scheduled for December 11 --Will notify of details and perhaps plan a winter sledding party.
16. Call to adjourn by Lois Williams. Adjourned 7 pm.
Minutes by Deirdre Macnab