2019 August Minutes

WHITE RIVER ALLIANCE MINUTES,  August 7th 2019 Meeting

Attending: David and Martha Cole, Shawn Welder, Lois Williams, Bob Dorsett, Bob Regulski, Chuck Whiteman, Vance Herring, John Leary, Linda Stewart

Prior to the Meeting Bob Regulski resigned citing personal reasons.  5:00.

 1) Call to order by Shawn Welder with a brief introduction 

2) Approve minutes from the previous meeting

3) Lois Williams, Treasurers repost

 * Banner. Members discussed the positive feedback and having the banner displayed in the 4th of July Parade. We will need storage for items like this in the future.

* Shawn Welder introduced John Leary. John is the is the new director for this area representing Rivers Edge West. He gave a short presentation and explained goals for a hands-on operation to remove Tamarisk and Russian Olive along the river, with the BLM. 

* Chuck White explained the need to start on the invasive species by starting at the highest problem areas along the river and working down steam. Chuck explained that stake holders should work together to cooperate on the challenge. He has made maps showing key areas.

* Shawn Welder mentioned a web site “water on the Rocks” It’s a site that records water right purchases. It reflects the competitive trend in water and that water rights are being acquired by energy and other interests.

* The White River Alliance is now recognized as a community voice and stake holder in the White River. Through the state water plan the local Soil Conservation has established a steering committee to determine whether they should head the upcoming “Integrated Water Management Plan” (IWMP).  Deirdre Macnab was chosen by the White River Alliance to represent our organization in this very important role. 

* Meeting adjourned at 6:30.

Minutes by Shawn Welder
